Beyond the Void
我叫 Grover Morgan

做USACO月賽遇到一件巨囧的事。今天中午受到Rob的信 Dear CmYkRgB123 CmYkRgB123 [ID: cmykrgb1]:

Your recent entry (as cmykrgb1) to the USACO programming contest has
been rejected because the name that you used to register:

     CmYkRgB123 CmYkRgB123

was deemed to be incomplete, inaccurate, inflammatory, wrong,
misleading, suspicious, or confusing -- or it doesn't contain latin
characters like A-Za-z.

名字不符合規則,“它被認爲是不完整,不準確的,有煽動性的,錯誤的,有誤導性的,可疑的,混淆的”(汗…..) 沒想到CmYkRgB123這個名字這麼強悍。


Dear Rob

I am a Chinese user. My ID cmykrgb1 contains CmYkRgB123 CmYkRgB123 because I don't have a English name.This name is from my Chinese name. This is my only ID and I had taken part in the contest by the rules . I was not cheating.

If the name doesn't match the rules , I 'll change it at once.

Sincerely cmykrgb123

沒想到他很快就回信了(我還以爲他在睡覺) Why not create a nice english name for yourself?

May I suggest Grover Morgan?


Grover Morgan,汗,他還給我起了名字。不過這名字似乎也不錯,就叫我Grover Morgan把,呵呵。

Thank you for creating a nice name for me. Since I could'n come up with a name ,I think you can call me Grover Morgan.

And could you please unlock my ID cmykrgb1 ?

上次修改時間 2017-02-03
